

Presentation of the Guide to Intergenerationality: Transforming the Challenges of Longevity Societies into Opportunities

Presentation of the Guide to Intergenerationality: Transforming the Challenges of Longevity Societies into Opportunities

The Guide to Intergenerationality: Transforming the Challenges of Longevity Societies into Opportunities, will be presented on Wednesday 15 February at 9.30am.

The presentation is being organised by the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, through the International Centre on Aging (CENIE). It will take place at the Economic and Social Council Headquarters in Madrid.

Event Participants:

Antón Costas, President of the Economic and Social Council
Óscar González Benito, Managing Director of the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca
Eleonora Barone, CEO of mYmO (memory in motion between Young and Old) and Author of the Guide
Paz Martín, Programme Director of " Older Age: The Challenges of Architecture” at the Foundation Architecture and Society and Research Participant
Dr Paloma Navas, Medical Doctor specialising in Preventative Medicine, Hospital U. El Escorial
Irene Lebrusán, Doctor of Sociology and CENIE Researcher
Mar Arnáiz, Senator and Member of the Senate’s Comisión de Derechos Sociales
Sabina Camacho Calderón, President of CEOMA
Andrea González Henry, President of the Council of Youth of Spain
Pablo Antonio Muñoz Gallego, Professor at the University of Salamanca and CENIE Researcher

At the request of CENIE, the session will present the conclusions of the research on intergenerationality carried out by the mYMO technical team. The presentation of the “Guide to Intergenerationality” is part of the New Longevity Societies Project, following the guidelines of the Spain-Portugal Interreg Programme (POCTEP–Operative Programme of Spanish-Portuguese Cross Border Cooperation), 2021-2027, European Regional Development Fund.

Please confirm your attendance as places are limited. The event will be streamed via the CENIE website.